• Christ-centric foundations for engaging lostness
• Jesus’ counter intuitive disciple making strategies
• counterpoint: potential issues with CPM
• a field perspective: implementing the discovery approach to CPM
• practicing CPM principles in Africa
• principles and practices
The sessions were split between presentations by individual speakers and interactive Q&A sessions with panels. Included were times of worship and intercession for the nations. We shared all our meals together and had time within a busy schedule for formal and informal interaction with each other around what we were hearing.

We were treated to dozens of recent stories of CPM (church planting movements) initiated by unlikely leaders in Muslim contexts. CPM examples that were strikingly different from the programmatic evangelism, disciple making, and church planting undertaken by well trained professionals that is normative in the U.S. and in many other contexts globally. The forum was a welcomed reminder that God delights in using ordinary individuals to accomplish extraordinary things to advance His kingdom.
Below are a few comments from those participating in the forum.
• The openness to discuss CPM from all sides was very helpful. My questions & reservations were graciously addressed.
• Serious willingness to entertain/discuss criticism of the concepts. Bringing that out and letting it be openly discussed was very healthy and informative.
• Increased my respect for your ethos - VERY impressed by the winsome dialog including honest - not 'straw man' consideration of opposing views.
• The forum gave me a better understanding of church planting. I will be more equipped to talk strategy with our missionaries and encourage them.
• I am committing to pray more regularly for UPGs and CPMs and to invite those in my congregation to do the same. I also feel more equipped to engage with and support our own missionaries doing CPM work.
• Loved the networking and chance to chat with like-minded churchmen (and women). Case studies were great.
• The interaction with other church leaders was very encouraging and helpful. Likewise, the humility and openness of the speakers was a blessing.
• I have come to expect high levels of hospitality, spirited debate, and gracious openness from Pioneers. It was on display throughout this conference. Appreciate how PI relates to the local church!
• I was refreshed to have an organization of the size and caliber of Pioneers admit to the very churches that support them that they are working through things and are willing to listen.
• I already had a great amount of respect for Pioneers and this experience increased my respect and clarified my understanding of the organization’s commitments and values.
• I got to know Pioneers better and like them even more than before! The humility and servanthood of Pioneers staff was a beautiful reflection of Christ.
Pioneers readily admits that we are in the early stages of implementing CPM strategies in our work among the unreached. We are learners and experimenters, not experts. We are seeing limited success in some of the places where these strategies have been taught and implemented. And we are discovering the need to tweak and adapt strategies in many of the settings where we serve. But we see great potential for rapid kingdom expansion in hard places as we continue forward with these efforts.
If CPM among unreached peoples is a priority with the works and workers your church partners with, I would be delighted to interact with you or connect you with others within Pioneers. We would welcome discussing how Pioneers may be able to partner with you in your efforts.
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