During the years that we were colleagues together in ACMC, I had a mentor too, David Mays. David left ACMC in 2007 to become the learning initiatives director for The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA). David was a man I looked up to for a wide variety of reasons. He was a disciplined and godly man. He loved people and was deeply committed to the great commission, especially a focus on the nations. He was a fantastic practical resource to church mission leaders. Check out his web site. He had a great sense of humor and a dry wit. He was a well educated man, with a PhD in the natural sciences and a seminary degree. He had a work ethic that just wouldn’t quit. He was a good communicator and very practical with what he said. He was a published author, in fact, the most prolific in ACMC’s history. He was better read than anyone I know personally. He read, wrote, and made available to a broad audience summaries on about 200 books every year. He was a beloved husband, father, and grandfather. And perhaps most significantly from my vantage point, he was a loyal and caring friend.
On January 2, my dear friend and mentor experienced heart failure and unexpectantly left life on this fallen planet and entered into a far richer life in the presence of God. I miss him already, and I grieve for his family. But I am delighted that he finished strong and has heard Jesus say “well done, good and faithful servant.”
David’s boss had this to say about him, “I could make a compelling case that David Mays has read more books, interviewed more thought leaders, and facilitated more mission-focused webinars than anyone in North America in the past thirty-six months. In his passing we’ve lost a treasure chest of kingdom insights but gained a powerful and inspiring finishing well role model. May David’s life and legacy challenge all of us to press forward as life-long learners, hungry for God and passionate about sharing the Good News with the nations.”
Brigada Today said this about David, “If you didn't get a book review from him at one time or another (maybe you were living on Mars?), you probably heard one of his webinars. In his typical well-prepared way, he modeled a level of excellence for me that was such a trademark, it might as well have been his middle name. In his work with ACMC, and most recently, with The Mission Exchange, he was always ‘Mr. Resource,’ and constantly improving the capacity of local churches and agencies wanting to make a global impact. But this past week, he went on up to see Jesus. David Mays will be missed, but not forgotten. The Mission Exchange might try to replace him, but they'll need five employees to come close to what David did solo and each of those five better be good. Bravo David. Job well done.”
Missions Catalyst had the following words about David. “My friend David Mays died last week. I admired and respected him hugely. David was a mobilizer and darn good at it; a first-round inductee into the Mobilizer Hall of Fame. His success in ministry was undergirded by his walk with Christ. I'll think of him when I'm choosing between reading an important book or playing Angry Birds. I'll continue to rely on his expertise when a church asks about a sticky missions issue and I think, ‘I bet that's on a Mays Stuff CD.’ And I hope and pray his example looms in my mind when I ask myself, ‘Am I giving it my all? Am I mobilizing with intent, empathy, wisdom, and humor? Is Jesus working through me as I work in His harvest?’ David Mays did these things. And Jesus worked through him.”
Solomon’s words in Proverbs 13:20a come to mind, “He who walks with the wise grows wise” Thank you Jesus for the powerful impact of David May’s life on so many, including me.
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