Our mission statement reads “ACMC helps churches mobilize their resources for effective involvement in world evangelization.” Our motto provides insight into a vital part of our methodology: “churches helping churches with missions.”
ACMC provides practical services in 16 areas organized under four broad headings:
1. learning
2. leading
3. sending
4. engaging culture
This reflections will briefly describe the four areas included under the third heading -- SENDING.
PRAYER: Missions is a spiritual work. Effective spiritual warfare with the forces of darkness must be fought using spiritual weapons. Intercession is the foundation, lifeblood, and power source for missions. ACMC can help mobilize your congregation to pray more strategically, passionately, and consistently for your work among the nations.
GIVING: Generosity reveals the heart and provides the practical resources necessary to move missions forward in your church. Regardless of what your funding model may be, ACMC can help your church increase the financial resources devoted to the missionary task and be more effective in how they are used.
MISSIONARY CARE / ADVOCACY: Missionaries do not have a big “S” on their chest. They are human beings with all the frailties and needs we all possess. They have real spiritual, relational, and practical needs that your church can help meet. ACMC can help you develop advocacy teams to better support your missionaries as they engage on the front lines.
MISSIONARY PREPARATION / TRAINING: Sadly less than 1 in 10 U.S. churches are sending churches. Preparation and training for the missionary task is a shared responsibility between local churches, educational institutions, and mission sending agencies. ACMC can help you to proactively identify, recruit, and train well prepared, long-term workers for the harvest fields of the world.
Our assistance to church mission leaders is made available through:
• conferences / training events
• local mission leader networks
• consulting / coaching
• developing practical mission resources
• partnership with other mission mobilization organizations.
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