Our mission statement reads “ACMC helps churches mobilize their resources for effective involvement in world evangelization.” Our motto provides insight into a vital part of our methodology: “churches helping churches with missions.”
ACMC provides practical services in 16 areas organized under four broad headings:
1. learning
2. leading
3. sending
4. engaging culture
LEARNING. ACMC provides training and resources for church mission leaders so they can better educate their congregations about the missionary task: Biblical, history / trends / models, world views, least reached.
LEADING. We help church mission leaders become more effective in leading their church’s mission efforts through assistance with issues related to: missional leadership, vision casting, strategy / policy, organizational structure.
SENDING. ACMC helps churches better send and support individuals long-term from their congregation to the mission field through: prayer, giving, missionary care / advocacy, missionary preparation / training.
ENGAGING CULTURE: To advance and support the emerging missional church movement, ACMC provides churches with services to better engage their entire congregation with the Great Commission: missional culture, incarnational ministry, local outreach, short-term.
Our services are not limited to these 16 areas, but we do focus on these areas. During the past four decades, we have engaged many thousands of Protestant churches in the U.S., representing a broad spectrum of denominations, sizes, demographics, worship styles, and outreach objectives. These 16 areas are the issues that surface day-in and day-out as the ones in which local church mission leaders indicate they welcome practical assistance. Our assistance is made available through:
• conferences / training events
• local mission leader networks
• consulting / coaching
• developing practical mission resources
• partnership with other mission mobilization organizations.
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