Our mission statement reads “ACMC helps churches mobilize their resources for effective involvement in world evangelization.” Our motto provides insight into a vital part of our methodology: “churches helping churches with missions.”
ACMC provides practical services in 16 areas organized under four broad headings:
1. learning
2. leading
3. sending
4. engaging culture
This reflections will briefly describe the four areas included under the first heading -- LEARNING.
BIBLICAL: The ultimate source of authoritative information about missions has always been the Scriptures. Missions is clearly a significant theme that runs thru all of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Some would contend that missions is the theme of the Bible. ACMC provides pastors, children / youth / adult Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and outreach events coordinators with excellent, age-appropriate Biblical resources which they can use to better educate their congregations regarding the cross-cultural component of the Great Commission.
HISTORY / TRENDS / MODELS: Understanding the past (history) and present (models), and the linkage between past / present / future (trends) are vital for understanding what God is doing in the world we live in. ACMC helps church mission leaders stay current and cutting edge with what God is doing in the world in the 21st century.
WORLD VIEWS: Christianity (evangelical and nominal) is the world view of 1/3 of the world’s population. Five major non-Christian world views dominate the other 2/3s of the world: Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, tribal / animistic, unreligious / humanistic. Understanding and uniquely tailoring our missionary methodologies to each world view is absolutely essential for reaching people who interpret reality and life thru a grid that is radically different than what Jesus lived and taught.
LEAST REACHED: 28% of the world’s people live in a people group with little or no access to the gospel or a culturally relevant church. ACMC seeks to educate church missions leaders regarding the priority of engaging in the challenging pioneer missionary work of bringing Christ to peoples who currently have no access.
Our assistance to church mission leaders is made available through:
• conferences / training events
• local mission leader networks
• consulting / coaching
• developing practical mission resources
• partnership with other mission mobilization organizations.