Thursday, February 5, 2015

from February 2, 2015 prayer update

I am taking my sixth class this spring as part of a graduate program in intercultural studies at Columbia International University. The class is titled “the mission of God”. We are using a reader titled Discovering the Mission of God, edited by Barnett and Martin as our primary text. In the introduction to the reader there are some excellent points made regarding God’s mission in the world. I will share a few thoughts with you.

Barnett asks and answers a number of important questions. First, whose mission is it? “It is not the church’s mission. Neither is it primarily the missionary’s mission, nor just the mission agency’s mission. It is God’s mission. … we should be both humbled and disturbed by the fact that God has chosen the church as His instrument, His agent, in accomplishing His mission.”

Second, Barnett asks, what is the mission of God? (Latin: misseo dei) He points out that “misseo means a sending of someone with a duty or purpose to perform.” It is a mission that is first described not in the great commission, but given to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3. The mission is that all peoples on earth will be blessed. “Everything between Genesis and Revelation is directly related to this mission of God, this sending of Himself and His people to bless all the peoples on earth.”

Third, Barnett asks, why this mission? The answer is simple: God’s glory. An answer that is very different than the man centered answers we usually hear. In Isaiah 48:11 we are reminded, “For My own sake, for My own sake, I do it, for how should My name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another.”

Fourth, Barnett asks, where do we see it? He points out that we find it both in the Scriptures and in history. He claims that the Bible itself exists because of the mission of God. He goes on to say that everything we do as Christ-followers, as the church, and as para-church should connect with the mission of God.

Fifth, Barnett asks, how does God do it? His response is five-fold: God’s love, people-to-people, discipling all people, equipping the saints, and through the church.

Sixth Barnett asks, by what power? The apostle Paul says “according to His power” and then goes on to discuss the power of the gospel. I would add to that the repeatedly promised presence and power of God’s Spirit at work in and through the lives of His children.

Finally Barnett asks, where do we fit? He states that “After discovering the mission of God, we can no longer say that we do not fit. We are unable to pass the responsibility to missionaries or mission pastors. We are all called by God to participate in His mission of blessing to all people.”

Some great questions and some insightful responses. Where are you in your life-long journey of partnering with God in His mission in the world?