It provides Pioneers with the opportunity to better understand the missions related objectives of the local churches represented, and it gives insight into where each church is in their journey toward meaningful engagement with the nations. It provides the local churches participating with the opportunity to better understand who Pioneers is and how we operate. And it provides both with the opportunity to begin to consider a future of deeper more impactful partnership together in church planting among the least reached around the globe.
On November 15-17, I had the opportunity to participate in my first CPF with Pioneers. 14 local churches (20 individuals) were involved in our time together. Most of these churches has one or more missionary candidates with us preparing for departure to the field. The remainder already have workers with us on the field.
We generally invite an outside missions leader to join with us during this time to provide input and help facilitate interaction. For this CPF that was Ellen Livingood with Catalyst Services. Ellen led 3 interactive sessions with us – “response to a compelling vision”, “proactive partnerships”, and “next steps”. We also heard from Pioneers US president, Steve Richardson, on “core values: behind the mission” and Pioneers US executive VP, Ted Esler, on “show and tell church planting”. Folks also were provided with a high level overview of the role of Pioneers mobilization, training, and member development teams by a representative from each of those teams.
We began each day with breakfast together, followed by a time of corporate worship and a challenge from the Scriptures from a Pioneers staff member. We split those participating into four groups (each group sat together throughout our two day gathering) to encourage greater intimacy and continuity in our interactions together. I served as a facilitator for one of these groups. We shared all our meals together and were housed together on the Pioneers campus for this event. So there were lots of opportunities for informal interaction.
Our church partnership team also led 3 interactive sessions – “the challenge of unreached peoples”, “proactive sending and care”, and “growing relationships that lead to results”. We wrapped up our time together praying for each church participating and the next steps they identified for their church through this intense two days together.
Our next CPF will be held at our U.S. mobilization base in Orlando on March 20-22. John Kless, lead pastor at Glendale Bible Church in Philadelphia for 32 years, and Eric Hyatt, global outreach pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis for 9 years, will be the outside missions leaders leading and interacting with us at this gathering. Churches participating are responsible for their travel costs. Pioneers provides everything else – housing, meals, transportation to and from the airport, and the event at no charge to those involved.