Question one: “who is God?” My response: “our God is a missionary (sending) God”.
Question two: “who am I?” My response: “I am sent in the same way as Christ”, based on John 20:21.
My primary challenge to the congregation was to live missionally where they live, work, and play, recognizing that God has called most of us to reach the lost in our natural spheres of influence.
We briefly considered a top 10 list for missional living:
1. proximity
2. priority of the least reached
3. presence
4. partnership
5. practice missionary methodology
6. prayer
7. practical service
8. practice hospitality
9. probing questions
10. proclamation
How about you, do you see yourself as sent in the same way as Christ? Are you demonstrating and proclaiming the gospel well where you live, work, and play?